Lactation Services

  • Many new mothers struggle with breastfeeding
  • Ensure no physical barriers to success
  • Teach proper breastfeeding technique
  • Provide best nutrition for baby

Infant Tongue-Tie Release Protocol

I. Bodywork

  1. Require 3 sessions of bodywork prior to release
    • 1 visit before release with OT
    • 1 visit during appointment with IBCLC, SLP
    • 1 visit after release

II. Appointment Description

1. #1: Lactation/Feeding initial evaluation (photos)
2. #2: Schedule appointment with release provider
3. #3 (Day of release):
a. Pre-bodywork and stretches in lactation room
b. Release provider evaluates baby
c. Return to lactation room for breastfeeding (photos)
4. #4: 24-hour wound check with release provider (photos)
C. Average number of lactation/feeding sessions: 5

III. Follow-up Appointments (with photos)

A. 1 week
B. 2 week
C. 4 week
D. 6 week (send out survey)

IV. Stretches

A. Every 4 hours for first 4 weeks
B. Press and Sweep (tongue)
C. Lip lift
D. Lip sweep
E. Do not do prior to feeds, have positive interaction

V. Pain Relief

A. Options for natural and over-the-counter pain relief
B. Based on size chart

IV. Stretches

A. Every 4 hours for first 4 weeks
B. Press and Sweep (tongue)
C. Lip lift
D. Lip sweep
E. Do not do prior to feeds, have positive interaction

VI. Lactation Consultant Introduction

A. Struggling with breastfeeding? Contact us.
B. Katrina Gallafent, IBCLC Intro:

1. Years of personal breastfeeding experience
2. Professional training from UC San Diego
3. Diverse skill set (supplementation, induced lactation, etc.)
4. Compassionate advocate, prioritizes infant needs

VII. Tongue Tie Releases

A. Dr. Amylia Shayne, NP Intro:

1. Board-certified, specializes in pediatric airway health
2. Completed tongue tie and lactation training
3. Over 10 years of pediatric experience
4. Doctoral research on maternal-infant bond
5. Patient-centered, holistic approach

Meet the Experts:

Dr. Amylia Shayne, DNP


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Katrina Gallafent


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