Breathe Easy Event Agenda:
• 6:00 PM – 6:15 PM: Introduction and Networking
• 6:15 PM – 6:40 PM: Dr. Amylia Shayne’s Presentation on the Impact of Tongue-Tie on Infants and Infant Development
• 6:45 PM – 7:10 PM: Rian Chatterton’s Presentation on the Impact of Tongue Posture and Tongue-Tie on Speech and Overall Development
• 7:15 PM – 7:40 PM: Dr. Amalia Geller’s Presentation on Consequences of Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing
• 7:40 PM – 8:00 PM: Q&A
Chatterton MyoCourses
Welcome to Chatterton MyoCourses where we strive to create orofacial myofunctional curriculum and community that educate, train, guide and support SLPs and dental professionals. Whether you work in a hospital, private practice, school or dental clinic, you likely have and will continue to work with patients and students with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs). We are here to help you build your knowledge, develop your skills and increase your confidence to effectively serve individuals with OMDs.

Chatterton MyoProgram™
The Chatterton MyoProgram™ is an in-person, 3 day credentialing course that gives you the tools and resources you need to confidently evaluate and treat patients with orofacial myofunctional disorders. You will be trained to utilize established and effective programs including the 10 Lesson Chatterton MyoProgram, Pre/Post Frenuloplasty Protocols and the Rule of Thumb! habit elimination program. Additionally, you will be provided with resources that will help you to start serving your clients with OMDs right away! The Chatterton MyoProgram™ course will prepare you to take a client with an orofacial myofunctional disorder from evaluation to successful generalization.

School-Based Myo
School-Based Myo is an introductory course providing school-based SLPs with foundational knowledge of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) that will be useful and appropriate in the school setting. Learn the impact OMDs are having on students, how to screen for them and how to educate your team. Understand the relationship between Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders and Articulation and how to advocate for your students with OMDs.

5 Reasons Your Clients are not Progressing in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Download E-Book
Built Upon Galen Peachey’s Foundational Protocol
In 2013, Galen’s Boise-based clinic was purchased by Rian Chatterton, who has continued to use Galen’s foundational framework for establishing lingual mandibular differentiation, correct mouth resting posture, and swallowing patterns and developed them further into the Chatterton MyoProgram™. This program is used on patients every day at the Center for Orofacial Myology in Boise, Idaho, and has helped hundreds of clients with orofacial myofunctional disorders.
For the first time ever, the Chatterton MyoProgram™ is available for clinicians outside of the Center for Orofacial Myology to learn and implement into their own orofacial myofunctional practice.