As parents, we want nothing more than to ensure our children’s well-being and set them up for success. However, sometimes seemingly minor issues can have a significant impact on their development. One such condition that often goes unnoticed is tongue tie, a condition that can affect a child’s ability to eat, speak, and even breathe properly. At the Center for Orofacial Myology, we understand the importance of early intervention and are dedicated to helping families identify and address tongue tie issues.
What is a Tongue Tie?
Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition where the frenulum, the band of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is too short or tight. This restriction can limit the tongue’s movement, making it difficult for a child to perform certain functions like breastfeeding, speaking clearly, or even licking their lips.
Signs and Symptoms of Tongue Ties in Infants
For infants, tongue tie can manifest in several ways during feeding times. Here are some common signs to look out for:
- Difficulty latching or losing the latch while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding
- Making clicking or smacking sounds while feeding
- Poor weight gain due to inefficient feeding
- Reflux or frequent spitting up
- Gassiness or fussiness during or after feeding
- Prolonged nursing or feeding sessions
Signs and Symptoms of Tongue Ties in Older Children
As children grow older, tongue tie can present different challenges. Here are some common indicators:
- Difficulty with speech clarity, mumbling, or trouble with certain sounds (like d, l, t, or th)
- Inability to stick the tongue out past the teeth or lick the lips
- Frequent cuts or injuries under the tongue from the frenulum getting caught between the lower front teeth
- Tooth decay due to inability to clear food from teeth or the roof of the mouth
- Trouble playing wind instruments
- Frustration with communication or speech delays
Trust Your Instincts
While these signs can be indicative of tongue tie, it’s important to note that not all children will exhibit the same symptoms. If you have a nagging feeling that something is “off” with your child’s feeding, speech, or overall development, it’s crucial to trust your instincts and seek professional evaluation. Even if medical professionals initially dismiss your concerns, persevere and advocate for your child’s well-being.
Seeking Professional Help
At the Center for Orofacial Myology, our team of experts is well-versed in identifying and treating tongue tie issues. We work closely with lactation consultants, speech therapists, and other specialists to ensure a comprehensive approach to your child’s care.
Call (208) 793-7006 today to schedule a free evaluation and learn how our experienced professionals can help assess and address any potential tongue tie concerns. Early intervention is key to ensuring your child’s optimal development and preventing long-term challenges.
Don’t let tongue tie hold your child back. Embrace the power of knowledge and take the first step towards unlocking their full potential. Contact the Center for Orofacial Myology today and let us guide you on this journey!